Thursday, March 21, 2013
Emacs: Flyspell-mode
最近開始拿 Emacs 編寫上課筆記,像我這種英文苦手表示悲劇,常常拼錯自,好在 Emacs 有內建的 flyspell-mode 可以幫我解決這個問題
在 .emacs 裡面加入 (或是用 hook 綁在某個 mode 上)這行即可
(flyspell-mode 1)
M-TAB 可以幫你 auto correct 回來,就甘心
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Python dump skype DB
據說 Skype local 端資料也是直接用 sqlite 存的
~/Library/Application Support/Skype/$account/main.db
所以我們可以自己寫 tools 查看自己的資料請不要拿來查看別人的資料 >_<
剛剛初步可以 Dump 出以下XD
Sample code:
~/Library/Application Support/Skype/$account/main.db
所以我們可以自己寫 tools 查看自己的資料
剛剛初步可以 Dump 出以下XD
[~/.Skype/****]-[Arch Linux] $ sqlite3 main.db SQLite version 2013-01-09 11:53:05 sqlite> .table Accounts ChatMembers Conversations Participants Videos Alerts Chats DbMeta SMSes Voicemails CallMembers ContactGroups LegacyMessages Transfers Calls Contacts Messages VideoMessages sqlite> select * from Accounts;
Sample code:
#!/usr/bin/python import sys import sqlite3 def printProfile(skypeDB): conn = sqlite3.connect(skypeDB) c = conn.cursor() print "show tables:" c.execute("SELECT tbl_name from sqlite_master WHERE type=='table';") print c.fetchall() c.execute("SELECT fullname, skypename, city, country, \ datetime(profile_timestamp,'unixepoch') FROM Accounts;") print "Dump Account: " print "-" * 50 for row in c.fetchall(): print '[*] -- Found Account --' print ' [+] User: ' + row[0] print ' [+] Skype Username: ' + row[1] print ' [+] Location: ' + row[2] + ',' + row[3] print ' [+] Profile Date: ' + row[4] print "Dump Contacts: " print "-" * 50 c.execute("SELECT displayname, skypename, phone_mobile, \ birthday FROM Contacts;") for row in c.fetchall(): print '[*] -- Found Account --' print ' [+] User: ' + (row[0]) print ' [+] Skype Username: ' + row[1] print ' [+] Phone_mobile: ' + str(row[2]) print ' [+] Birthday: ' + str(row[3]) if __name__ == "__main__": printProfile(sys.argv[1])
python nmap
知己知彼,百戰百勝,nmap 是什麼這邊就不多作介紹了
python-nmap 是一個 nmap 的 python wrapper ,用於方便對於 namp 操作
也許今天有好多好多機器需要作測試,pyhton-nmap 這時就是我們的好工具了
高階邏輯的部份,例如決定哪些機器需要作測試、測試的 policy 、結果分析等等
這些事情可以丟給 python 解決,而不用痛苦的在 shell scripts 裡面完成這些苦工
Sample code:
nm.all_hosts nm.get_nmap_last_output
nm.nmap_version nm.scanstats nm.command_line
nm.has_host nm.scan
nm.csv nm.listscan
Definition: nm.scan(self, hosts='', ports=None, arguments='-sV')
hosts = string for hosts as nmap use it '' or '198.116.0-255.1-127' or ''
ports = string for ports as nmap use it '22,53,110,143-4564'
arguments = string of arguments for nmap '-sU -sX -sC'
maybe need root privileges
PortScannerError: u'You requested a scan type which requires root privileges.\nQUITTING!\n'
個人認為,在 iPython 裡面用這玩意超好用的XD
同場加映 Perl 也有人作類似的 CPAN module
知己知彼,百戰百勝,nmap 是什麼這邊就不多作介紹了
python-nmap 是一個 nmap 的 python wrapper ,用於方便對於 namp 操作
也許今天有好多好多機器需要作測試,pyhton-nmap 這時就是我們的好工具了
高階邏輯的部份,例如決定哪些機器需要作測試、測試的 policy 、結果分析等等
這些事情可以丟給 python 解決,而不用痛苦的在 shell scripts 裡面完成這些苦工
Sample code:
#!/usr/bin/python import nmap nm = nmap.PortScanner() result = [] result.append( nm.scan('', ports='22-443') ) result.append( nm.scan('', arguments='-p22-443') ) result.append( nm.scan('localhost', arguments='-sT')) result.append( nm.scan(arguments='-p 0-1024') ) result.append( nm.scan(arguments='-p22 -sV') ) for r in result: print r print "=" * 50
nm.all_hosts nm.get_nmap_last_output
nm.nmap_version nm.scanstats nm.command_line
nm.has_host nm.scan
nm.csv nm.listscan
Definition: nm.scan(self, hosts='', ports=None, arguments='-sV')
hosts = string for hosts as nmap use it '' or '198.116.0-255.1-127' or ''
ports = string for ports as nmap use it '22,53,110,143-4564'
arguments = string of arguments for nmap '-sU -sX -sC'
maybe need root privileges
PortScannerError: u'You requested a scan type which requires root privileges.\nQUITTING!\n'
個人認為,在 iPython 裡面用這玩意超好用的XD
同場加映 Perl 也有人作類似的 CPAN module
Python image downloader
BeautifulSoup 和 urllib2 的簡單練習 : )
然後我發現我還是不會用 Python 的 re .... Orz
BeautifulSoup 和 urllib2 的簡單練習 : )
然後我發現我還是不會用 Python 的 re .... Orz
#!/usr/bin/python import urllib2 import urlparse import BeautifulSoup import os import time import re def find_tags(url): c = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(c); return soup.findAll('img') def get_src(url, re_): r = re.compile(re_) tags = find_tags(url) for tag in tags: img = tag['src'] if yield img def get_basename(url): return os.path.basename(urlparse.urlsplit(url)[2]) def download(url, re_=''): for src in get_src(url, re_): content = urllib2.urlopen(src).read() print "[+] download: " + src file_ = open(get_basename(src) , 'wb') file_.write(content) file_.close() time.sleep(1) if __name__ == '__main__': download(url='', re_='gif')
Monday, March 4, 2013
things from plurk error message
據說今天早上 plurk 又 504 惹...
然後某學長把 python traceback 貼出來XDrz
plurk 跑在 wsgi 上面,有用 werkzeug
透過 git 管理代碼,server 上面的 account 叫做 plurk
內網的 跑 MySQL,port 沒換,user / passwd 都是 plurk
於是乎,只要打下一台進的了內網的機器就... (troll)
順便附上 Orange 大大的 slides 吧,page 26
然後某學長把 python traceback 貼出來XDrz
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/plurk/plurk/git_trunk/ext/parts/web/wsgiserver/", line 1246, in communicate req.respond() File "/home/plurk/plurk/git_trunk/ext/parts/web/wsgiserver/", line 758, in respond self.server.gateway(self).respond() File "/home/plurk/plurk/git_trunk/ext/parts/web/wsgiserver/", line 1949, in respond response = self.req.server.wsgi_app(self.env, self.start_response) File "/home/plurk/plurk/git_trunk/ext/werkzeug/", line 859, in __call__ return, start_response) File "/home/plurk/plurk/git_trunk/ext/parts/web/", line 295, in dispatch_request rv = handle_error() File "/home/plurk/plurk/git_trunk/ext/parts/web/", line 358, in handle_error result = handler(e) File "plurk/web/", line 65, in error_handler trace_back=t_b) File "plurk/", line 147, in renderPlurkTemplate html = PlurkTemplates().addDynamicData(html, ses_user, page_user) File "plurk/", line 153, in addDynamicData 'session_user': users.exposeSessionUser(ses_user), File "plurk/", line 342, in exposeSessionUser session_user['notifications_count'] = Notifications().getCount( File "/home/plurk/plurk/git_trunk/ext/parts/cache/", line 125, in proxy value = f(*args, **kwargs) File "plurk/models/", line 114, in getCount is_email_confirmed = Users().isEmailConfirmed(uid) File "plurk/models/", line 210, in isEmailConfirmed row = main_db().select('users_map', id=uid, cols='is_email_confirmed', as_one=True) File "/home/plurk/plurk/git_trunk/ext/parts/db/", line 121, in select with self.cursor(sql) as cursor: File "/home/plurk/plurk/git_trunk/ext/parts/db/", line 55, in cursor con = self.connections.getConnection(host) File "/home/plurk/plurk/git_trunk/ext/parts/db/", line 578, in getConnection (pprint.pformat(attempts), dbinfo, exception)) Exception: Could not create a connection on server [{'charset': 'utf8', 'compress': False, 'exception': 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/plurk/plurk/git_trunk/ext/parts/db/", line 557, in getConnection\n con = MySQLdb.Connect(**conf)\n File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQLdb/", line 81, in Connect\n return Connection(*args, **kwargs)\n File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQLdb/", line 187, in __init__\n super(Connection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs2)\nOperationalError: (2003, "Can\'t connect to MySQL server on \'\' (99)")\n', 'host': '', 'passwd': 'plurk', 'port': 3306, 'refresh': True, 'refresh_host': '', 'use_unicode': True, 'user': 'plurk'}, {'charset': 'utf8', 'compress': False, 'exception': 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/plurk/plurk/git_trunk/ext/parts/db/", line 557, in getConnection\n con = MySQLdb.Connect(**conf)\n File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQLdb/", line 81, in Connect\n return Connection(*args, **kwargs)\n File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQLdb/", line 187, in __init__\n super(Connection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs2)\nOperationalError: (2003, "Can\'t connect to MySQL server on \'\' (99)")\n', 'host': '', 'passwd': 'plurk', 'port': 3306, 'refresh': True, 'refresh_host': '', 'use_unicode': True, 'user': 'plurk'}, {'charset': 'utf8', 'compress': False, 'exception': 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/plurk/plurk/git_trunk/ext/parts/db/", line 557, in getConnection\n con = MySQLdb.Connect(**conf)\n File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQLdb/", line 81, in Connect\n return Connection(*args, **kwargs)\n File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQLdb/", line 187, in __init__\n super(Connection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs2)\nOperationalError: (2003, "Can\'t connect to MySQL server on \'\' (99)")\n', 'host': '', 'passwd': 'plurk', 'port': 3306, 'refresh': True, 'refresh_host': '', 'use_unicode': True, 'user': 'plurk'}] .{'_rhost': '', 'server_name': 'main', 'use_unicode': True, 'compress': False, 'charset': 'utf8', 'db': 'plurk_main', 'resolve_host': None, 'id': 'main', 'host': '', 'user': 'plurk', 'refresh_host': <function refresh_host at 0x7f0a4cb03938>, 'password': 'plurk', 'port': 3306} Error was Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/plurk/plurk/git_trunk/ext/parts/db/", line 557, in getConnection con = MySQLdb.Connect(**conf) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQLdb/", line 81, in Connect return Connection(*args, **kwargs) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQLdb/", line 187, in __init__ super(Connection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs2) OperationalError: (2003, "Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (99)")===
plurk 跑在 wsgi 上面,有用 werkzeug
透過 git 管理代碼,server 上面的 account 叫做 plurk
內網的 跑 MySQL,port 沒換,user / passwd 都是 plurk
順便附上 Orange 大大的 slides 吧,page 26
Friday, March 1, 2013
Python decrypt tools
full permutation generator
和基於字典檔的 decrypt tool
/usr/share/dict, 或是也可以由以上工具產生 ;-)
full permutation generator
#!/usr/bin/python import sys alpha = "" def f(base, l): global alpha if l > 0: ubase = base for i in alpha: base += i print base f(base, l-1) base = ubase if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 3: print "Usage: ./ aAdx 10" sys.exit(1) else: if 'a' in sys.argv[1]: alpha += "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" if 'A' in sys.argv[1]: alpha += "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" if 'd' in sys.argv[1]: alpha += "0123456789" if 'x' in sys.argv[1]: alpha += """\"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~ """ # print "use this string: \n" + alpha + "\n" # raw_input() f("", int(sys.argv[2]))
和基於字典檔的 decrypt tool
/usr/share/dict, 或是也可以由以上工具產生 ;-)
#!/usr/bin/python import crypt import sys def testPass(cryptPass, dic): salt = cryptPass[0:2] dictFile = open(dic, 'r') for word in dictFile.readlines(): word = word.strip('\n') ced = crypt.crypt(word, salt) if (ced == cryptPass): print "[+] Found Password: " + word + "\n" return print "[-] Password Not Found.\n" return if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 3: print 'Usage: ./ "$CRYPT" "$DICT_FILE"' else: testPass(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
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