Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Perl undefined array / hash

要把  array 和 hash 清掉一樣有兩種作法

@array = ();
%hash = ();

undef @array;
undef %hash;

An array is initialized or not ->
    call scalar() to check the number of elements or call defined()
    if scalar() return false (the number of elements) is 0, then the array is uninitialized.


This would fill the array with one element at index zero with a value of undefined. 
equal to $array[0] = undef;

my @array = undef;     # WRONG!!!!

Round floating points in Perl


 Perl 中有兩種簡單的方法可以達到:

一種是加上 0.5 後取 int() (positive numbers)

另一種是 sprintf %.0f 控制



use 5.016;
say int(9.9+0.5);                            # 10
say int(9.50000000+0.5);                     # 10
say int(9.49999999+0.5);                     # 9
say int(9.49999999999999+0.5);               # 9
say int(9.49999999999999999999+0.5);         # 9?
say "-"x20;
say sprintf("%0.f", 9.9);                    # 10
say sprintf("%0.f", 9.50000000);             # 10
say sprintf("%0.f", 9.49999999);             # 9
say sprintf("%0.f", 9.499999999999999);      # 9
say sprintf("%0.f", 9.49999999999999999999); # 9?


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Python format string

更多請參考: PEP-3101

基本的  format string 使用方法:

# basic
In [1]: "Hello, {}".format("xatier")
Out[1]: 'Hello, xatier'

# {0} means the first argument in format()
In [2]: "Hello, {0}".format("xatier")
Out[2]: 'Hello, xatier'

# {1} means the second argument
In [3]: "{1} {0}".format("xatier", 3)
Out[3]: '3 xatier'

# pass arguments one by one
In [4]: "{} {}".format("xatier", 3)
Out[4]: 'xatier 3'

# use doubled { to represent '{'
In [5]: "{} {{".format("xatier")
Out[5]: 'xatier {'

# get item: use [] to get fields in a dictionary
In [10]: my_dog = {'name': "Jack", 'age': 3}

In [11]: "My dog's name: {0[name]}, {0[age]} years old.".format(my_dog)
Out[11]: "My dog's name: Jack, 3 years old."

# do the same thing in an anonymous dictionary
In [15]: "My name is {0[name]}".format({'name': 'Fred'})
Out[15]: 'My name is Fred'

In [16]: "My name is {0[name]}".format(dict(name='Fred'))
Out[16]: 'My name is Fred'

# get attribute: use '.' to get attributes in a class/object
In [18]: import sys

In [19]: "{0.stdin}".format(sys)
Out[19]: "<open file '<stdin>', mode 'r' at 0x7f88ecd94150>"

In [20]: "{0.stdin.write}".format(sys)
Out[20]: '<built-in method write of file object at 0x7f88ecd94150>'

# get object's data
In [30]: class Foo:
   ....:     def __init__(self, name="yoo"):
   ....:         self.name = name

In [31]: a = Foo()

In [32]: "{0.name}".format(a)
Out[32]: 'yoo'

In [33]: a = Foo("my name ^.<")

In [34]: "{0.name}".format(a)
Out[34]: 'my name ^.<'

Only two operators are supported: the '.' (getattr) operator, and the '[]' (getitem) operator.
The reason for allowing these operators is that they don't normally have side effects in non-pathological code.


The general form of a standard format specifier is:

    The brackets ([]) indicate an optional element.

# fill with space
In [42]: "My name is {0:8}".format('Fred')
Out[42]: 'My name is Fred    '

# string force to left/right
In [44]: "My name is {0:<8}".format('Fred')
Out[44]: 'My name is Fred    '

In [45]: "My name is {0:>8}".format('Fred')
Out[45]: 'My name is     Fred'

# floating point
In [72]: "{0:f}".format(123.45)
Out[72]: '123.450000'

In [73]: "{0:.3f}".format(123.45)
Out[73]: '123.450'

In [75]: "{0:>10.3f}".format(123.45)
Out[75]: '   123.450'

# show the + sign
In [76]: "{0:>+10.3f}".format(123.45)
Out[76]: '  +123.450'

In [77]: "{0:<+10.3f}".format(123.45)
Out[77]: '+123.450  '

# = means fill with
In [78]: "{0:<=10.3f}".format(123.45)
Out[78]: '<<<123.450'

In [79]: "{0:A=10.3f}".format(123.45)
Out[79]: 'AAA123.450'

In [80]: "{0:0=10.3f}".format(123.45)
Out[80]: '000123.450'