繼之前玩過 turses twitter client 後,另一個有趣的 cmd tool
最初是在 @RJking 的噗浪上 看到
測試了 post 跟 comment
官方 wiki => http://fbcmd.dtompkins.com/
語氣非常無耐阿 lol
Why did you write it in PHP? (yuck).
It was written in PHP because originally the only API that Facebook officially supported was PHP. It wasn't my first choice either, and I had to learn PHP. However, in retrospect, It's turned out to be a wise decision. The code is reasonably clean and very portable. Sure, it might be a bit of a pain to install PHP if it's not already there, but compared to the ordeal of getting code that will compile easily on any platform (including Windows) it's pretty painless.
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