Friday, November 13, 2015

STL vector out-of-bound access is an undefined behavior

Found a bug today, which is a well-known pitfall in C++.

Consider the following code, std::vector::operator[] won't perform any boundary check on the index, a out-of-bound access is an undefined behavior.

#include <vector>                                                               
#include <iostream>                                                             
int main (void) {                                                               
  std::vector<bool> a(10);                                                      
  for (auto x : a)                                                              
      x = true;                                                                 
  if (a[11] == false)                                                           
      std::cout << "gg";                                                        
  return 0;                                                                     



On the other hand, std::vector::at will yield an exception on out-of-bound access.

#include <vector>                                                               
#include <iostream>                                                             
int main (void) {                                                               
  std::vector<bool> a(10);                                                      
  for (auto x : a)                                                              
      x = true;                                                                 
  if ( == false)                                                           
      std::cout << "gg";                                                        
  return 0;                                                                     

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
what(): vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 11) >= this->size() (which is 10)

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